little princess diary
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
  Japan Trip
333 m high up, fun fact: taller than Eiffel Tower

Japan is one of the holiday destination that I've always looking forward to... love the fOOd, cULtuRe and most of all the sights (Sakura), not forgetting shopping of cos! We shelved our trip to Japan since last year as hb was taking a course and could'nt find time to go. I read up alot about the land of the rising sun before embarking on our holiday. We stayed in Tokyo, Hakone and Yokohama for a total of 9 days. And this time round, we didn't bring sher along for the trip as it involved a lot of legwork... walking, tons of them!!

Sakura blooming.. pretty in pink @ Imperial Palace

I was hoping that we could go Japan again next year during spring, then we will definitely bring Sher along next round. Intending to cover Osaka and visit hb's aunt in Matsuyama as we opt-ed out for this trip as time permits. I love spring mainly because of the pretty cherry blossom, we went late March and caught the transition of the season from Winter to Spring. The weather was cold... hovering between 9-12degree. The plus point was we didn't sweat at all, like we were in a super cold air-condition place all day. Saw a few trees beaming with sakura, if it's the full bloom.. it shld b lovely! I shall blog more about my trip once I have time... till later!

Cruising along Sumida River

3-D animated advertorial Bldg along Akihabara


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